Get more done!
You CAN be more productive than you are right now

Do you ever feel like your computer is a mess and you are looking for a better way to manage your files?
Do you know where your files are?

Do you hate typing on your phone or PC?
Do you struggle to find your favourite websites?

Do you find yourself typing the same thing over and over again?
If you found yourself answering YES to any of the above, enrol in our short courses save time and increase your productivity in less than 30 minutes.
The courses will help you get more done in the day, so it’s ideal for busy people who spend time on computers.
Do you ever feel like your computer is a mess and you are looking for a better way to manage your files?

You’re not alone. We all have too many files on our computers, and it can be hard to find the ones we need when we need them. But there are ways to make it easier! This course will teach you how to organize your files in an easy-to-use system that works for you. You’ll never lose track of what’s important again!
Imagine being able to quickly locate any file on your computer at any time with ease. It sounds impossible, but this course will show you exactly how to do it so that every file is organized and accessible when you need it most.
Don’t wait another day – Sign up today!
Click here now and enrol in File management made simple!
Are you tired of typing on your computer?

Typing is a major pain point for many people who are looking to get more done in less time. We know how frustrating it can be to type all day long, and we want to help make things easier for you. That’s why we created this short course on tools that will allow you to use voice input rather than typing on your computer. It’s the perfect way to boost productivity without having to learn an entirely new skill set!
If you don’t have much experience with voice commands or dictation software, then this course is just what you need! In our short videos, we’ll show you everything from basic setup through advanced tips and tricks so that by the end of the course, using voice commands will feel like second nature.
So sign up today and see how easy life can be when you stop typing and start talking instead!
Do you struggle to find your favourite websites?

Bookmarks are a great way of keeping track of the sites that matter most to you. But they can be difficult to manage and keep organized, especially as your list grows longer. That’s why we created this short course on how bookmarks work and how you can use them for your own benefit.
You’ll learn all about bookmarking basics like what types of bookmarks exist, where they live, and how they work so that you can get started with organizing yours today! This is an easy-to-follow guide that will help save you time in the future when it comes to finding your favorite websites again. And best of all, it won’t take up too much of your valuable time either!
So don’t wait any longer – sign up now for instant access!
Do you find yourself typing the same thing over and over again?

We all do it. It’s a pain, but there are ways to save time. Using a Text Expander type short abbreviations which expand into longer snippets of text or even pictures! This can be used for anything from your email signature to frequently-used phrases in documents. You can also use it to insert images like logos, signatures, etc.
We know how frustrating it is when you find yourself typing the same thing over and over again, so we created this course to help people save time by using a Text Expander. With our short course, we will teach users how they can be more productive than ever using a Text Expander in their everyday lives. By taking this course, you will be able to cut down on repetitive tasks and spend more time working towards achieving your goals.
Enrol now to access to our Automate Typing course!